Email Address
Galway Ireland
Phone & Online
Free 15 minute session
With Pride and Success
My Personal Guarantee
Initially I provide a free introductory Mini-consultation lasting 20 minutes. This gives you a chance to chat, to get to know me a little, and to get a sense if I am a good fit for you!
I provide a Money Back Guarantee giving you the client an opportunity to move forward with comfort and ease.
I share my 25 Years’ Experience Working with People in a Development Role.
I have Formal Qualifications in Coaching, Training & Education, Counselling & Psychotherapy, giving Flexible and Innovative Approaches Tailored to Your Needs.
Lots of Testimonials and References can be seen on our Testimonials page. A Proven Track Record/Warm and Affable Personality.
Able & Willing to Share Experiences & Learnings; Those Acquired in the Classroom and Those Hammered Out on the Anvil of Experience.
"Even though I would describe myself as being confident with a fair dose of self worth; I still benefited enormously from our session on preparing me for the interview. I felt more focussed and secure of where I wanted to go. The opportunity to go through possible questions plus the non-verbal aspects of the forthcoming interview proved of great assistance in understanding how I felt and what I was going to say at the interview. Thank you Maurice, the world needs more, I need more!"
"I enjoyed working with you, you give of yourself freely and openly, which inspires trust and understanding".
"Maurice, I think you make a great coach. You appear to have great intuition, sensitivity and genuine interest in people".
"An earthy, perceptive, no-nonsense, compassionate, sharply insightful, open humorous man. Highly recommended".
"Maurice, you have a very gentle but excellent style when coaching"
"I have learned to hold back a little and let others find solutions, I have sent other staff members to meetings/presentations which it was not essential for me to attend, this has given me a sense of being freed up and has enhanced rapport"